
Osteoporosis is a very common metabolic bone disease, however, it is difficult to prevent because it is asymptomatic until complications appear. We tell you the most common risk factors.
Osteoporosis is a generalized disease of the skeletal system characterized by:
-Loss of bone mass
-Deterioration of the internal architecture of bone tissue
These two factors compromise bone strength, making the bone more brittle and therefore more susceptible to fracture.
How does bone mass change throughout our lives?
Humans reach peak bone density around the age of 35. From this age, the rate of bone synthesis-reabsorption is the same. That is, our bone mass is maintained.
From the age of 40, a slow reduction in bone mass begins to be observed, both in men and women.
Keep in mind that this happens in the population average, however, an individual with low bone mass since childhood or adolescence can suffer from osteoporosis without necessarily suffering from an accelerated loss of bone mass.
Osteoporosis attacks in two different ways. On the one hand, the bone density of our bones. On the other, the resistance or fragility of that bone material.
Osteoporosis is a very common metabolic bone disease, however, it is difficult to prevent because it is asymptomatic until complications appear.
It is estimated that 30% of Caucasian women and 8% of men over the age of 50 suffer from osteoporosis. In women over 70 years of age, the incidence scales to 50%.
Risk factor’s.
The incidence in women is much higher, this is due to several factors:
-Men tend to have more bone density and do not have large hormonal changes as women with menopause do.
-They have less tendency to fall and a shorter life expectancy, this makes it difficult to estimate the incidence of osteoporosis in older men.
Menopause, a hormonal change that increases the incidence of osteoporosis. It is even the most important risk condition.
The lack of estrogen means that the action of osteoclasts cannot be stopped and this leads to an accelerated loss of bone mass.
This hormonal imbalance, added to the fact that women genetically have less bone density, makes the risk of suffering from osteoporosis greater.
In turn, the risk increases the earlier the onset of menopause and even more so when it occurs abruptly as with surgical menopause.
In women it is more related to the onset of menopause than to age itself.
On the other hand, in men, it is usually a risk factor to take into account, especially in ages over 75 years. From this age, the risk of osteoporosis between men and women practically equals.
Body mass.
It is estimated that in people with a low BODY MASS INDEX, the risk of suffering from osteoporosis is lower. This is possibly due to less mechanical load on the bone due to weight.
Although they are not factors that influence too much, in the long term a sedentary lifestyle and toxic habits, such as smoking and alcohol consumption increase the risk of suffering from osteoporosis.
Collagen intake.
A healthy adult with inadequate collagen intake will experience bone loss. If collagen production is low, bones mass will be reduced over the years. Introducing collagen supplements daily has shown to be directly associated with less bone fragility and, therefore, a lower risk of fractures.
If you have already added FLEX from Giovegen to your diet, you should know that our formulation ensures a proper dose of magnesium, zinc, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and chondroitin – among many other supplements – so that you can obtain all the full benefits of supplementation.
1 dose of Giovegen FLEX is equivalent to 10g of collagen, that is the recommended dose per day for adults between 25 and +70 years of age.
Protect your bones with Giovegen FLEX.